In some cases, concern arises about the safety or well being of the child(ren) during parenting time. For these cases, supervised parenting time can assist in managing and facilitating the contact between the parent and child(ren). Given the presumption if favor of parenting time, supervised parenting time should occur only when other, less restrictive methods of ensuring the child(ren)’s well being cannot be implemented. The primary purpose of supervised parenting time is to provide for the safety of the child(ren). The welfare of the child(ren) is the paramount consideration in determining the manner in which supervision is provided.
The primary goal of The Phoenix House is to provide a safe, secure, and relaxing atmosphere for the child(ren), meeting all safety concerns of the County, the attorneys and clients.
To provide that, we offer the following.
Four rooms provided, with different levels of supervision including a fully operational kitchen, three individual age appropriate rooms including a baby room with a rocking chair and changing table.
Safe, clean facility that meets all State and Local building and health and fire codes. Great room with age appropriate video games, movies and large screen TV.
Ample supply of books and games.
Every square inch of each room is fully video-and-audio monitored at all times.
Emergency procedures in place.
Local Law Enforcement support.
Relevant court documents maintained on premises.
Copies of video available upon court’s request. (see fee page)
Offsite sessions available such as museums, playgrounds (in good weather) etc., with the Court’s consent.
Parenting time takes place in the room of a parties’ choice, age oriented, and which will be determined at the time of the initial intake interview, taking into consideration the court orders, and the parties’ concerns. If a PPO is in place, the parties will have no contact at pick up and drop off.
Phoenix House has an ample supply of activities available. Whether simply sitting in quiet play, watching age-appropriate movies from our diversified collection, playing a video game, or simply setting down over a bowl of Cheerios, we hope to create a home-like environment that puts the kids at ease, to comfortably bond with the non-custodial parent, all while being strictly monitored and recorded by both visual and audio recordings.
All recordings may be obtained by the attorneys to assist in Court in any future decisions they may be required to make at an additional cost, with proper notice.